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Dmitrij Pronyin

1 Oct 2022

Physiotherapy, as a field of medical science, studies the effect on the body of natural and performed physical factors that used for the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of patients

Physiotherapy, as a field of medical science, studies the effect on the body of natural and performed physical factors that used for the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of patients. Modern physiotherapy has a lot of instruments, been diverse in physical nature, physiological, therapeutic effect. In physiotherapy there are being used predominantly non-invasive methods of therapeutic effects, that occur soft, painless therapeutic effects and a long-term remission of chronic diseases. Early physiotherapy treatment contributes the optimization of adaptive-compensatory processes and helps to maintain functional systems at the proper level. The main tasks of modern physiotherapy are:

- the use of effective therapeutic and health-improving techniques, the possibility of combining various methods of physiotherapy;

- the use of personalized approaches to the choice of methods for the treatment of each individual patient, individual approach to everyone;

- the use of regenerative physiotherapy aimed at restoring damaged tissues. The main aim of using physiotherapy methods in medical rehabilitation is to achieve a complete restoration of the functional condition of the patient's body and his ability to act and work.

Physiotherapy activates and balances excitatory and inhibitory processes in one's body, stimulate a conditioned reflex activity of CNS. It's able to actively influence on all organs and systems, increase their functional activity, and also stimulate a body's defense functions. Therapeutic effects of the main methods of physiotherapy:

- anti-inflammatory effect on the alterative-exudative phase;

- metabolic-trophic (microcirculatory) effect - the effect mainly on the exudative phase of inflammation at the organ level;

- thermal effect - which is based on the heating of tissues with stimulation of lymphatic drainage and blood flow.

A competent and reasonable choice of the type or complex of methods of physiotherapy, correct rehabilitation course help to optimize a patient’s health, reduce the drug treatment and improve the condition of all body systems.

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